Ready Player One : Book VS Movie

Reading Ready Player One was one of the most satisfying experience in my entire life. I reviewed the book back in 2016 and fangirled so bad about it.  It climbs up easily being on of my top 10 books of all time. Following that rank, Lashaan had to read it (he made it a mission to read all of my favourite books hah) ! With that said, since I already reviewed it back in 2016, I asked Lashaan to share his thoughts on the book for this post.



Lashaan : Ernest Cline brings us the ultimate 80s kid source of geekasm. It is action-packed and highly nostalgic, but ultimately, it really is a blend of Willy Wonka with The Matrix. The story follows Wade Watts as he vows to find the Easter Egg hidden by the creator of the OASIS (a virtual utopia) that would give him access to a huge, really huge, inheritance. Along the way, Wade Watts, also known as Parzival inside this virtual reality game, ends up meeting friends and foes, running into insane gaming challenges and ultimately doing all kinds of impossible feat.

The book written in an addictive prose and delivers so much geeky facts for fans to enjoy. Those who aren’t a 80s kid or a gamer will either end up hovering through all those references or looking them up for their own personal culture. Those who are, on the other hand, will find themselves thrown down memory lane and smile their way through the whole book. 


“The reason why this book is so memorable is it becomes alive, the OASIS becomes a world where you want to discover and to enjoy but knowing really well the consequences of that false perception of reality. The characters become your own freinds and all the people of OASIS becomes your family. This book and movie are released in a very relevant period of  virtual reality blooming.”  -Trang




I was very excited to see this movie because I have so many expectations. And you know what? I wasn’t disappointed ! I think Steven Spielberg did it. It’s extremely hard to reproduce all of Ready Player One elements on screen. Just from all the references in the book to the rich Oasis world building but he managed it pretty easily.

He incorporated the nostalgia of the 80s and 90s via the soundtrack (AMAZING SOUNDTRACK BTW), we can get a glimpse of some of the pop culture icons and easter eggs all around Oasis. I mean, this whole plot IS ABOUT an easter egg after all.

He changed the challenges : a bold move which I find was executed brilliantly (this same move is may be why some of the novels purists will hate the movie). Why I find it genius? Because people often forget that the cinema medium is not the same thing as a book. Some elements would work in books because they have words but they won’t work on screen to the entertainment of being visualized. They also have to keep in mind that not all the people have read the book. So changing the challenges was Steven Spielberg’s way of introducing the characters and the OASIS.


The villain. Oh god he was awful. I’m sorry but I pictured a very psychopath CEO and what I got is a pathetic child who can’t even remember his own pod password. WTF? I was very disappointed because he seemed to have even more screen time than the main character or any other character.  Every time he appears on screen, I was like this must be a joke.

Finally, I wish they kept at least the diverse characters from the book, they do it pretty well with the side characters but why cast a skinny muscled dude as Wade?! The whole point of the book was to show that any kid can become who he is if he has the passion for it and Wade in the movie is the typical skinny fit YA star who has it all. I’m sorry but that was not the point of the book.


Did you read the book!? Did you watch the movie? What do you think about it ? 😀 

Big thank you to Penguin Random House for the book movie tie-in edition and Cinema Montreal for the premiere movie passes ❤ 


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22 thoughts on “Ready Player One : Book VS Movie

  1. Nice! I like VS posts.

    I have not read the book or watched the movie and to be honest, I’m not sure I will be. Me and videogames parted ways a long time ago and I just don’t enjoy reading about them now.


  2. “…cinema medium is not the same thing as a book.”
    Well said. I think this film is another interesting example of how straying from the source material should not automatically be labeled as wrong. I was also a little taken back that the challenges were changed, but as you say, I think the new challenges (particularly 1 & 2) played to the strengths of cinema, creating really interesting angles that highlighted how a digital world like the Oasis doesn’t have to subscribe to things like consistent dimensions and gravity. The “wall” of one room can be the “floor” of another (that Shining scene was wonderfully disorientating).
    And those changes mean even veterans of the book get to enjoy a few surprises. In essence, we get to enjoy two stories called “Ready Player One”.
    I did feel like it was a shame that Simon Peg was not given a larger role as Og. I feel like Simon Peg could have had so much fun with Og’s scenes from the book, particularly the birthday party, and unleashing his wrath on the sixers for crashing it.
    Overall I thought it was pretty neat, though the villains definitely felt like a weak point. Both Sorrento and I-Rock felt more annoying than anything else. I think Ben Mendelsohn was the right actor to portray Sorrento, it just wasn’t a good portrayal of that character.
    But yeah, overall I think it was a fun movie.


  3. I have to admit, I was lukewarm on the book, but I have high hopes for the movie. I think a lot of my issues could potentially not be a problem in movie-form, and so far people seem quite happy with the adaptation.


  4. Interesting Book To Movie review! I’m almost done with the book and watched the movie Friday night after reading about 70% of the book. I had many of your similar opinions but I felt that though I understood why they had to modify the book as much as they did, the movie ended up not really doing justice to the book as a result. I definitely was bothered just like you by the different depictions of the characters – that seemed needless. But I wish they had stayed closer somehow to the original challenges as well – and I wanted the stronger dystopian feel of the novel when it comes to Wade’s pre-challenge life and the future world he lives in.


  5. I’d never heard of this before seeing a trailer on IMDb the other day. Just seeing the DeLorean made me sit up and take notice…so should I read the book first, do you think? 🙂


  6. Sort of sad that they did that to the movie even if it’s sort of expected.. 😦 Wish they had went for a better casting! Guess I won’t rush to go see the movie now. Awesome review!

    Envoie des billets my way yoooo, qu’est-ce que t’attends????? 😀


  7. Great review for this book/film Trang. 🙂 I’ve heard of Ready Player One before (I think it’s a book my friend read and really enjoyed so it probably made it onto my to-read list for that reason) but the trailer looked so amazing that I definitely wanted to read this one before seeing the film.
    I’m really glad the film lived up to the book as well, especially considering it was a favourite of yours! 😀 ❤


  8. Nice comparison post. It’s always interesting to see how the movie compares to the book that came before it. 🙂 I haven’t read RPO yet, but I did go see the movie, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I was so surprised to see that Simon Pegg was in it, too. It was a lot of fun. 😀


  9. I have had this on on my TBR for a long time now. I don’t know why but I seem to get the title of Enders Game mixed up with Ready Player One, and I got a copy of Enders Game used wasn’t a huge fan so now I seem to be less excited about it these days. I know this makes zero sense haha. But I will have to read the book soon so I can watch the movie!!


  10. I love seeing adaptations compared to books. I am a fan of both (when done properly) so I was stoked to see your take ❤ I hate to admit that I have yet to read this book even though it was gifted to me a few years ago. I know.. I know.. please don't shun me. I am so ashamed. Being a child of the 80s I think I am in for a treat. I am pleased to see the film worked for you. I have seen a lot of hate lately. I did have one blogger recommend film before book because they felt the film left a lot out. Would you suggest reading or watching first to fully appreciate both?


  11. So fun to read both of your thoughts on this! and gosh Trang you’re really on point about the virtual reality in this book! So glad you weren’t disappointed with this!! I’m glad he incorporated so much of the book’s nostalgia! Especially that this tied in with the soundtrack- that’s a clever move 😀 Shame the villain was godawful though :/ and it’s a real shame they didn’t keep the characters authentic to the book- I mean yeah, why couldn’t wade look like wade? Awesome review!


  12. Great reviews Lashaan and Trang! ♥️ My brother read the book and that is pretty much what he said about it… 80s love put into hyperdrive. The movies sounds Steven Spielberg to the bone! Changing things but putting out the visuals. As for his casting… I think he’s been lucky in the past like with Harrison Ford.. but he doesn’t have a good picker… 😅


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