To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before – Book vs Movie


I want to start by saying that I hated the book. Hate is a strong word and one should not use it so easily but this word was all I had when I think about the book. You can catch up on my review here (one of the first reviews I did for Bookidote and I was kind enough to rate it 2.7 back then). It was a mini review since I couldn’t find anything relevant to talk about. Everything about Lara Jean (the main character) was so immature, childish and all things I absolutely despised in a YA rom-com. 

I saw the thumbnail of the movie on Netflix and I was thinking to myself maybe I should give it a chance and so I did.  

And you know what? It was better than the book. 

Image result for shook gif


The reason why is that  the casting is pretty good. Lara Jean actress’s acting was on point. She wasn’t annoying or ridiculously foolish like the character in the book. She went for the kind of student who doesn’t stand out much but who doesn’t lament about their situations either. The tone and voice she used when talking about insecurities felt real and it was something I could relate to. Peter Kavinsky’s character was so much more likable because the actor emanates a chill-laid back vibe where the character in the book was just a jerk to me haha.

Image result for to all the boys i've loved before lara jean gif

And of course, for any romcom to work, we must feel the chemistry between the characters and that is something only the movie managed to do. Via their small smiles, movements and facial expressions, they bring the whole teenage romance to another level. That’s why I think the movie became such a phenomenon on social media.

Image result for to all the boys ive loved before gif

Overall? I’m a VERY picky woman when it comes to romance LOL it has to be something out of this world like Jane Eyre movie or Pride and Prejudice for me to fangirl. So this one although I enjoyed it, I also skipped some parts because it was too “teenager” for me.

RATING: 3,5/5

17 thoughts on “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before – Book vs Movie

  1. I haven’t read the book, not have I seen the film yet, but..I have to say that strangely enough the movie has a certain appeal to me, despite this being a totally different genre that I usually watch. Might have to give this one a go at some point. As always this was a solid review that I really enjoyed reading 😊😊


  2. I haven’t read the book. And skipped the movie… because I have the same problem with YA romance… I just find it a little silly… I’ve seen it done well. But rarely


  3. I got sucked into the whole entire trilogy – I don’t know entirely why – but when I finished I was DONE with Lara Jean. I swore I would not watch the movie. But now…you’ve convinced me. Excellent review.


  4. Lovely review, Trang! I’m really happy you enjoyed the movie a bit more than the book – I personally loved both, but I have to admit the actors’ chemistry was incredible, I loved them! ❤


  5. Ha!
    I haven’t watched the movie yet, because i want to read the book first. First step done: bought the book 😀
    It’s not my usual genre so i was a bit worried, but heard so much good about it, so i just had to.
    The fact the the movie also seems better than the book is slightly worrying too, but it also makes me curious about both even more.


  6. I’ve still not read the book or seen the film and while I’m likely to give the film a chance I am not all that interested in the book. I always think the chemistry between the actors helps get me invested in a film and I’m glad this one succeeds on that front.


  7. I thought it was the cutest movie ever but definitely super teenage-y and cliché in some places. But who cares, it was darn adorable and I was able to overlook the annoying parts.
    Great review, Trang! Glad it was better than the “awful” book 😉


  8. I am so glad someone else shares the same view on the book! I couldn’t even finish the book I hated so much. I haven’t watched the movie yet since I didn’t like the book (I’ve been putting it off) though this makes me feel a little better about it. I might actually sit and watch it soon.


  9. I’m really glad you enjoyed this movie Trang, especially considering you weren’t a massive fan of the book. I think it’s rare that you get adaptations that are better than the book but from everything I’ve heard To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is one of them for sure. I can’t wait to get around to it myself. 🙂 ❤


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