Bookish Holidays Tradition

First of all, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and A Happy Holidays! 🎄

My favourite time of the year where I can put out my Christmas lights and just look at them forever haha. The little things that make me happy 😊

I want to take the opportunity of this Holidays post to share a tradition I recently discovered online :Jólabókaflóðið aka The Christmas Book Flood.

From what I understood, a free book catalog is distributed to each household every year and from that people chose which books to give and exchange to one another.

I mean.. YES PLEASE?! HAHA I need this in my life. But my friends and family in Montreal are no bookworms 😦 Although I’m always the one giving them books haahah convincing them to read. Who wants to exchange books with me ? 🙋‍♀️

It’s such a nice tradition that I think I would implement it on my future children 😂


Speaking of traditions, I thought it would be fun to share a bit about our family’s tradition. We would go to the Mass on the 24fh of December in the evening, then go home to eat supper. We would try each of us to cook something and have this big feast. For dessert, we would eat the typical Yule log cake. And then.. GIFT OPENING TIME!


We open it at night ahah usually around 11pm to midnight. Since we are a small family (me, my sister and my parents), we always get up to 3 gifts each. Then on the morning of the 25th, we would eat a little breakfast together. That’s it 😊

Christmas is all about spending time with my family and I’m so grateful to be able to share this moment with them. Through all the downs and lows this year, we will be stronger than ever I’m sure. I hope every single one of you can spend quality time with your loved ones, family and friends.

What about you? What are your Holidays traditions? I’d love to know ♥️

Again, have a Happy Holidays, big love! 🎄🎉


16 thoughts on “Bookish Holidays Tradition

  1. Wow, I wanna start doing that Icelandic tradition!! I open my gifts with my family the morning of Christmas, but I also know a lot of people who do it on the 24th at night! Hope you’re having a nice holiday with your family 😊🎄


  2. Ahh what a lovely post! I love that Icelandic tradition, what a fantastic idea, I’d love to do that SO much 🙂
    I hope you’re having a lovely Christmas season and happy holidays, Trang! Sending you tons of love!! ❤ ❤


  3. Ah can I move to Iceland?? It’s such a perfect way to spend the holiday! My family is not big on the holidays, I don’t think we would ever have christmas tree if I didn’t beg for it, and even then it’s always my sister and me who’s responsible to bring it out and decorate it every year. We don’t swap presents either, this year I bought them some but that’s it. We have a tradition of going to Mass on christmas eve and christmas day, and then maybe visit some relatives and eat out together 🙂 Merry christmas Trang! ❤


  4. This is such a cool tradition!
    I always got a book for christmas from my mum, but i’m pretty sure she didn’t know about this Icelandic thing.
    I read a book recently, set in Iceland and the main character moved away from his home town, and poor guy had to buy the book for himself, haha 😀


  5. My husband’s family used to have a tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve. Then they would do the rest on Christmas morning. This could be made to work well with the Icelandic tradition, don’t you think?


  6. Super cute! I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I do participate in Jólabókaflóðið! I’ve been doing it for years, as Christmas Eve is the loneliest evening of the year for someone who doesn’t celebrate. I exchange books with my friends and then spend the next 24 hours reading. It’s a great distraction from all the other holiday cheer. 😉 Did you get any books this year?


  7. That’s a real sweet tradition, Trang. I hope your Christmas was great.
    There wasn’t much Christmas spirit in my household this year because we were all in different places and very busy 😦 Hoping for a better Christmas next year.


  8. Okay, the Icelandic have figured it out ❤ That is the BEST tradition 🙂

    We used to do it similar to your family. Back in Germany the 'big' day was the 24th. We went to church at around 5pm and after that we opened presents & had dinner. That was just my parents, my brother and I & sometimes also my nanna. We had lovely evenings!

    On the 25th we visited my mom's side of the family and on the 26th my dad's. Lots of eating and some more presents haha. Lots of fun!

    Now I work in catering at a retirement village. We did a Christmas dinner on the 25th and it was lots of work but also very rewarding 🙂


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