How to make time to read


I think this is one the most popular question my friends and followers have asked me. ”How do you make time to read? How do you have time at all? ” And I just look at them like : HOW DON’T YOU HAVE TIME?! 


HAH kidding, I know it’s easy for me to say that books are in my everyday life. So here are few tips I’d like to share with you or maybe you can relate too  😀

1. Always have a book with you

This first step is very important guys😂 Do not leave your house without a book, even if it’s on your phone or a physical book in your bag. I always end up with like 3 books in my bag because I have that strange phobia where I  fear that I won’t have any book left to read…


2. Take advantage of the public transportation

Reading in the subway or in the bus are one my favourite things to do. Because when you read, time flies by and your trip ends sooner. I also happen to miss a few stations due to reading but let’s say it’s fine 😂 Just be vigilant hehe


3. Replace waiting with a book

Everytime I have to wait for something in the day, I take out my book and read. If you’re waiting for your turn in the clinic or for that pasta to boil or to get out of prison 😀


4. Read 2 books at the same time

It can be confusing  when you’re reading two books at the same time. The storylines can get mixed in the process , and you don’t know which book is which anymore. BUT, after awhile you get used to it and keep track haven’t been easier. Believe me, it’s so worth it.


5. Join a reading challenge

Goodreads  has developed a good way to keep track of your reading by creating a Reading Challenge every year! You have a goal to read every year and everytime you’ve marked it READ, it uploads automatically which is pretty cool.



6. Audiobooks

Some of the comments mentioned audiobooks and I think that’s a great advice !

Bookstooge: I keep an audio book of non-fiction on my phone for when I’m driving. I listen to that instead of the radio.

LJSHouse2015: If you have a car that will connect to your phone and vice versa, you can listen while you drive without having to fool with headphones or switching tapes or CDs. Also, if you have Bluetooth headphones, you can listen while you do housework or other chores that don’t require too much thinking.


If you have other tips please leave them in the comments section below so everybody could read them ! 😉


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56 thoughts on “How to make time to read

  1. I carry like 3 books in my bag as well. Audio books are also a great way to get you to read more.

    Happy reading!!!


  2. I’ve finally found a schedule that allows me to read much more, so I’m making the most of August, because September is gonna mess everything up, haha! I can’t read in public transport 😦 I get sick, and it sucks big time! So I prepared audio books for the four hours of commute I’m gonna get soon. Also, my brain hates me when I read two books at once, haha. Not enough brain cells for that!!
    Great post!!


  3. Great suggestions.

    I keep an audio book of non-fiction on my phone for when I’m driving. I listen to that instead of the radio.

    And yep, always, always, always have a book with you. 10 minutes of sitting around waiting for someone, well, read 🙂


  4. Audiobooks are great! If you have a car that will connect to your phone and vice versa, you can listen while you drive without having to fool with headphones or switching tapes or CDs. Also, if you have Bluetooth headphones, you can listen while you do housework or other chores that don’t require too much thinking.


  5. Excellent post! I sooooo agree with the first point.I feel so awkward and altogether naked if I don’t have a book with me wherever I go. If I forget and leave the house without a book I will literally stop what I’m doing and go home to get one!


  6. This is all so true! I need to make more time for reading for sure. Also….I got so distracted by that ass eating gif omg hahahahhaha >.<

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I always have books with me! I’ll read a lot while in the car (when someone else is driving of course XD) But I do occasionally get carsick, so that’s never fun


  8. These are all amazing tips, Trang 🌸
    I always have a book on me and I try to read whenever I have a spare moment! Also reading two books at a time has really helped me to read more in a month.


  9. This is such an awesome post!!! 😀 Ah yes I always make sure to have a book with me, even if it’s just one downloaded onto my phone (it has to be downloaded of course, just in case there’s no internet connection) I only ever read two books at once when one is non fiction- but considering how long it takes me to get through non-fic, I nearly always have two on the go 😉 And BOOKS ARE THE BEST REPLACEMENT FOR WAITING!! hehehehe I have definitely missed my stop because of reading lol 😉


  10. Love this list, great tips!!! I always read at least two books at the same time as well because I love having one fiction and one non-fiction title. Sometimes non-fiction by itself can get a little dry, so I love to spice it up with other genres!


  11. Absolutely agree! If you basically replace every single “waiting” period of your life with reading, you’ll get a ton done fast. Plus, it’s great for someone like me who hates feeling like they’re wasting their time – and reading is never wasteful.
    Great post, Trang!


  12. I gave up on doing #2 because I always end up missing my stop. 😂 I couldn’t do #4, I can only focus on one book at a time. And yeah, I totally agree with #5. I get triggered every time I see that I’m behind the schedule. Haha.


  13. Great advice here, Trang! I always make sure to have a book with me as well, you never know when you might find out some time to read 🙂 And yes for public transportation and waiting rooms. I spend so much time in these, especially on trains, books are a great way to make time pass by waaay quicker this way 🙂


  14. I’ve slown down a lot with my reading in the last few months, although that’s partly because of my Disney Animation Studios blog marathon that I just finished. I really need to get back to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I love reading too!!😊
    I always keep a book with me at school. I have an hour break almost everyday, and I use those breaks just for reading. Schools not a place I like a lot, so whenever I read I feel like I’m in my book instead of in school


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