Warcross by Marie Lu

MY RATING : ★★,5 /5

Maybe because I loved The Young Elites trilogy too much that I had very high expectations for this one.

Marie Lu returns with a promising action-packed adventure of Emika Chen in the virtuality world, where she has to go through some struggles to hunt down the players who bet illegally on the game.

Untitled-2I guess if she stayed on the plot, where we follow a desperate teenager with 6,000$ in debts trying to hunt down the illegal players it would be a little bit more twisted and dark. However, what I feared the most had happened 10 pages into the book.



A syndrome where our young protagonist suddenly passes from a poor teenage girl who had nothing left turn into the luckiest girl in the world : get noticed by a millionaire guy, happens to be a hottie, offering her the job of her dream, telling to pack and travel to Tokyo in his private jet… Furthermore, Erika Chen was depicted as a smart and witty main character but I couldn’t connect with her nor her romantic partner. I got more love for the side characters than the main characters honestly ahah.

Needless to say, it started badly for me.

settHowever I convinced myself to finish the book and see what all the hype is about.  And one thing that has been noticed by a lot of reviewer: the amazing Warcross world.

“Warcross was pretty simple: two teams battled each other, one trying to take the other team’s Artifact (a shiny gem) without losing their own.”Marie Lu

Warcross is introduced to us as this amazing game, a battle, that everyone is addicted and to escape our everyday lives we spend almost all of our time in that virtual experience via what they called : NeuroLink.

“ […]these ultra-slim glasses are called the NeuroLink, and you wear them as easily as any pair of regular glasses.When you wore it, it helped your brain render virtual worlds that looked and sounded indistinguishable from reality. […]Imagine flying through a fantasy world of dragons and elves. Anything.


With the press of a tiny button on its side, the glasses could also switch back and forth like polarized lenses between the virtual world and the real world. ”


Oh my, the visual neurosciences student in me was triggered. One of the things that bothers me the most in novels is when they try to give a scientific explanation and it doesn’t make sense. At least, in Ready Player One, the author didn’t try to explain how the VR works but when you attempt into going in that direction, at least give us some concrete science basics of the device. Don’t give me that  easy-life-glasses-are-the best, they can somehow MAKE your brain see things you wouldn’t see. OKAY. HOW?



However, one thing I really liked about this novel is the imagination Marie Lu put into the different scenes of combat, or where the players have to duel. I also give the second star for the discussions raised towards the limits of accessing too much of human brains in the novel. You can clearly sense it’s an ethical question that we all need to reflect upon or even closer than we thought, adapt to the situation.

Capture d_écran 2017-09-13 à 02.10.41


Warcross is now released in stores  and got a Goodreads average of 4+, so maybe you’ll like this novel more than I do ! 

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada for sending me a free copy to review! 


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55 thoughts on “Warcross by Marie Lu

  1. Despite your meh review, I have to confess I am still interested in reading this. I was just too obsessed with RPO not to give Warcross a try! That being say, I 100% agree with this statement: “At least, in Ready Player One, the author didn’t try to explain how the VR works but when you attempt into going in that direction, at least give us some concrete science basics of the device.” It drives me ABSOLUTELY INSANE when people try to explain things too much and then the explanation doesn’t make sense. I just want them to leave those details out!! Usually it’s more inaccurate medical details that drive me crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahah of course !! I wouldn’t want it any other way. I wanted to showcase the good parts and the bad ones too 😉 But the ultimate thing on both is to intrigue you and you should experience it for yourself ❤ ! I loveeed RPO SO MUCH and The Young Elites and I might be quite more picky on this one. YES<<< the science behind should be at least ''basic knowledge'' you know..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very honest! Yours is probably the first review I’ve read that doesn’t glorify Warcross. I haven’t read this book but am very excited about it because I’m a fan of Ready Player One. But after reading your review, I think it would just be a mediocre YA. I guess I’ll decide after I finish it.

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  3. Ohhh interesting review, Trang! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t fall in love with this book, yet I understand where you come from. Tons of your arguments here make loads of sense. I was kind of hooked on the story and really liked the world, but you’re right…now that I think about it, I definitely want to know HOW these technological craziness are possible, and there might be a little bit of that lucky girl syndrome here, haha. Great review! 🙂


    1. Hahah I’m happy you loved the book tho!! 😀 I will always be happy for those who a greater experience than mine 😉 And yes, I just see the flaws more obvious and I’m sure there were a lot of good parts like I pointed out hehe 😉 Thank you Marie for passing by!!

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  4. I’m afraid I had to skim your review because I haven’t read Warcross yet and it is one of my most anticipated releases of this year, but oh I’m so sorry this didn’t live up to your expectation Trang. I’m still hopeful that I enjoy this book, and I hope whatever you pick up next is something you enjoy more than this one as well. 🙂


  5. I think you’re being quite unfair, she had a great premise and went this far with her popularity. I haven’t read the book yet but I’m sure it’s good


      1. Yes it’s a real comment.. I’ve stumbled on this review and it’s the only negative one and the arguments seemed harsh to me.. The book got so many 5 stars from other people, how come hers is so low


            1. Yeah, I saw that you gave it 2.5 stars.
              So I was wondering where this other commenter was coming from. Especially as they stated they hadn’t read the book in question.
              To me, that means the gloves can come off and its down to bare knuckle fisticuffs.


  6. You’re choice of GIF’s 😂👌
    I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like this, Trang. I can understand how you questioned the technology given your background in neuroscience, I’d probably read it and think it’s great 🙈 I’ve read that some people didn’t particularly care for the romance. I haven’t read anything by Marie Lu yet; I am still interested in reading Warcross and I’ll let you know how it goes.


    1. HI MICHEELLLE ❤ And yes please do love !! I think you'll like it but maybe the romance was very not necessary in this novel.. LOL Let me know what you think!! I hope you love it though I would hate for somebody else to have the same reading experience I did XD

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  7. The fact that you didn’t like this book and the other review I read today raved about it and gave it five stars definitely intrigues me. How do two people who have read the same book have such different opinions? Of course, we don’t have the same taste, books are like art after all, totally subjective. As far as the rude pists above, shame on those bloggers! We aren’t all going to have the same opinion, they don’t need to get personal. GREAT review, it made me want to read the book ( which normally a poor review would not do!)


    1. I know it surprised me as well how come I didn’t like it as much but other reviews were raving about it :O If you look closely on Goodreads, a lot of other people give it a 2 stars too so I guess we all have different reading experience. A lot of factors can influence my opinion of the book, for exmaple, my background, what other novels I’ve read about Virtual Reality, etc.
      Yes totally agreee with you on rude bloggers LOL they just don’t know how to stop… -.-
      Thank you so much for stopping by!! Hope you enjoy the book more than I do 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s too bad that you didn’t enjoy this book all that much, as I have been seeing many glowing reviews for it so far. I’m really interested in reading this book, it just sounds like something I would enjoy (though we shall see if that will happen). Great review!! 😀


    1. Thank you Anna !! I really hope you do, like you said a lot of bloggers seem to love it, my review may contribute on telling people: have less expectations. Because I had too many high exp with the hype LOL but overall, it was an okay book 😉


  9. Thanks for providing some balance in the reviews for this book. I’ve seen so much positive hype that it’s nice to hear the negatives as well. It makes for much more realistic expectations, which is nice. Thank you! 🙂


  10. I quite want to read this, but I’m curious to any you warned covers about some notions in the book. Why? I’m a coder and I don’t want to read it if I’ll be irritated by those parts.


    1. I guess it depends on how picky you are about your field. I know that my boyfriend would absolutely GO CRAZY if he reads some of the things in this book because he’s very self-concious about his field. But if you are the kind of person who’s like ”okayy.. alright.. it mentions here she hacks.. it’s not that bad if there are a few misunderstood concepts” then I guess you can still enjoy the overall plot 😀 Afterall, the whole point of this book is mostly based on the Video Game.


  11. Definitely not a book for me to read!😂 But it’s a book that I’ve seen get positive 5* reviews on lots and lots of blogs so it’s nice to see a negative review with valid points to combat all the positive fangirling ones. I mean, not everyone can love a book and when you only see 5 star reviews it makes you think.🤔

    I saw the other comments when scrolling down to write mine and I’m baffled how someone can call you harsh when they haven’t even read the book!?!?😂


    1. I was having so many high expectations because ot those 5 stars throwing everywhere LOL oh my was I disappointed 😂 it’s kind of suspicious too right when a novel has too many praises 🤔
      And yes for the comment.. Well it’s sad really LOOL especially when this is not even the worst review I’ve written and I’ve been quite kind

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  12. Ah, I do see now why I was hesitant about this one. My inner sense were saying, “nope”. I do love the idea of a virtual “capture the flag” style reality, but it seems to have missed the mark. Based on the points you have made above, I will not be an ideal fit for this one. And I love you ability to really dissect the book and tackle where it went wrong 😉

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    1. THANK YOUU! 😘OH MY GOD I Hope I had that good instinct you developed for the novel 😭😭 Had too many expectations for the book that’s why 🤣 Overall I’m happy I couldve confirmed your suspicions about the novel then ☺️

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  13. oh darn, I also loved Young Elites, gonna have to lower my expectations!! Ahhh I do not like the lucky mc syndrome!! I’m much more likely to root for the UNlucky mc- which probably makes me mean, but at least it adds drama 😉 And that’s a shame about the world building!! I agree it’s easier when the author doesn’t draw our attention to something that isn’t easily explained!! Great review though!!


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